After three years of working on cinema, TV and advertising, and after disscovering that we share the same philosophy and understanding of the job, we have become a group. Our goal and wish is to continue to grow up in an artistic and personal way, executing with eficiency and professionalism our personal projects…and yours.
Mirokutana is a mythological, lycanthrope and antrhopmorphic god that lives in Peñas de Aya from ancient times. Mirokutana as god of the wolves represents what is unreachable, what you should and must pursuit but never can achieve. Jorge Oteiza talked about the artist as a hunter of the being, because in ancient basque Art = Trap. Therefore, artist is the person who makes traps. From its origins, the primitive man puts traps to hunt the animal, (Mirokutana), but also the being, the god, the aesthetic ideal.